Creative Green

Creative Green Workshops combine the experience of enjoying a wonderful outdoor rural environment with the benefit of expert tuition in the subject of the day, such as art, wildlife, wellbeing, sculpture, photography, poetry or flower  arranging.  The faint aroma of delicious barbeque lunch pervades the workshop site as they are cooked over an open fire.

The venue:  Clue Hill Farm has been carefully managed to ensure that all its wildlife habitats have been undisturbed for over twenty-five years (no chemicals have been used during this time).  The fields are species-rich and sheep keep them beautifully grazed, ensuring that the wild flowers flourish in the hayfields and butterflies appear in their thousands every year. There are regular sightings of bats, barn owls, jays, red kites and glow worms  around the woods, with newts, frogs, dragon and damsel flies in the pond, where some moorhens regularly nest and mallard ducks fly in to overnight.

Our woodland setting encourages you to experience Shinrin yoku (Forest Healing), which has been popular in Japan for many years.  Scientists have shown that the volatile particles released by trees into a forest  atmosphere (which gives trees some protection from disease and insects) also have health benefits when breathed in by humans.  Studies have shown that contact with such a peaceful environment indicates a significant fall in cortisol and other stress hormones within the body – white cell count is increased, making the immune system more robust – these effects were reversed when the same people spent time in a busy city environment.

We want to share all of this with you. Come and see for yourself………… Contact
